Archiv für den Monat: Mai 2006


Mac OS X Leopard in einer Vorschau auf der WWDC lese ich im aktuellen ADC newsletter. Ganz langsam also schon mal mit einer neuen Miezekatze anfreunden.



Mac mini mit Leopard inside –
wird also noch etwas dauern.

Wikipedia meint zu Leopard:

Mac OS X v10.5 “Leopard” was announced at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 6, 2005, and will be shown to the public for the first time at the developer’s conference in August 2006. It is generally expected to be released in late 2006 or early 2007, roughly the same time Microsoft is expected to release Windows Vista. Apple has said it will support both PowerPC- and Intel x86-based Macintosh computers.
